Frequently Asked Questions:

1. **Can you draw me?**

   Yes, I can. Feel free to reach out with your interest, and we can discuss the details from there.

2. **What do you like to draw?**

   I enjoy creating vulva art. I find them beautiful and unique, and I like to portray them as I imagine them in my own creative world. Sometimes I draw body art or feet, but these aren't my main focus.

3. **What do you need to draw me?**

   I'll need a reference of your vulva. While I don't need an excessive number of photos, having more than one is helpful. Different angles, such as a front view versus a side view or open versus closed labia, can inspire different aspects of the artwork.

4. **How do you decide what to draw, like a flower or a butterfly?**

   I usually start with a rough idea of what I want to create, but the finer details and overall look often develop as I work on the drawing and as my creativity flows.

5. **Do you prefer full creative freedom, or can the model have input as well?**

   It's a collaboration. I actually enjoy when the model shares her thoughts and ideas. While I may not be able to draw exactly what you envision in every detail, I can interpret your ideas through my creative lens. For instance, if you want a bee smiling on a petal, I might struggle with that exact image, but I can find a way to incorporate bees in a way that works for both of us.

6. **What do you do with the references I send you?**

   I save them and transfer them to my computer so I can view them in more detail. After the artwork is complete, I will delete the photos unless you give me permission to keep them for future sketches or practice. However, I will delete them upon your request, and sometimes I may delete them even if you give permission because I want to respect your privacy. Your references remain yours, even after you send them to me.

7. **Where should I send the references?**

   I prefer receiving them via email, which I will provide when we discuss our collaboration. Instagram tends to reduce the quality of images, making them blurry when enlarged on my computer. I can also email you the finished artwork or send it via social media, depending on your preference.

8. **What if I change my mind?**

   Consent is very important to me. No matter how many times you’ve agreed, you can always change your mind and decide not to proceed. Even if we’ve discussed it for days, it’s okay to back out. I won’t be upset or disrespectful. Your body, your references, your boundaries—I respect them fully.

9. **What inspired you to start drawing vulvas as flowers, etc.?**

   I find vulvas to be unique, beautiful, and fascinating. I initially drew them in their natural form, but one day, while standing in my front yard and looking at flowers, I began to imagine them as vulva flowers. I wondered what it would be like to walk through a vulva garden and smell the flowers. That idea grew, and now I’m inspired to create an entire vulva world.

10. **Verification**

    I’m happy to verify myself with a photo if you’d like, but I may also ask for verification from you if I feel uneasy. It’s not about not wanting to work with you; it’s about ensuring that the references are genuinely yours. I want to avoid working with catfishes or fake profiles. I believe that verification is a sign of respect and value for consent, though I rarely request it.

11. **Do you draw for free?**

    Yes, I currently draw for free. In the future, I may start charging for my work, but I’m not at that stage yet.